Venison Pastrami (wet cured)

A bit more work than corned venison, but the result is simply spectacular in flavor and texture. Corned is no slouch, but side by side? I’m on “Team Pastrami”.

Venison Summer Sausage

I’ve been tweaking this recipe for years, and finally have it where I want it. More than one person has told me it’s the best they’ve ever had. One of the breakthroughs was learning about Encapsulated Citric Acid (ECA), which brings a satisfying “tang” to Read More …

Corned Venison

Corned venison is as simple as it is delicious. We’ve all met people who claim not to like venison. I’ve never seen anyone fail to light up with their first bite of corned venison. Many cuts work well, but a boneless roast from the hindquarter Read More …

Venison Jerky

There are as many jerky recipes as there are people making jerky. This basic recipe is great “as is” but also a fine platform for tinkering.

Snack Sticks

This is a framework, not a recipe. It does not presume what flavorings you want to use. Plug in your own, or use your favorite commercial mix.

It is based on venison. For game sausage it is usually best to aim for a 70/30 meat to fat ratio.

The additives listed here are all standard, safe products developed specifically to improve the flavor and texture of sausages. Waltons is a convenient source, but similar products are widely available elsewhere. Waltons uses their own custom name for some of them, but if you google for the ingredients all will be revealed.

You should have a smoker setup you are comfortable with because smoking semi-dry cured sausages requires more temperature control than most other smoking jobs.