  • 1/4cup clarified butter — or any other high smoke-point fat… like leaf lard, tallow, or poultry fat (schmaltz). But NOT, repeat NOT, whole butter. Substitute cooking oil if you must, but it will not taste as good.
  • 2/3cup Popcorn kernels — relatively fresh ( < 1 year). They don't actually spoil, but they lose too much of the little moisture they have, thus don't pop as well.
  • 2tsp fine salt — Level, not heaping.
  1. After melting fat in a suitably sized covered pan on a medium-high range, add salt and 3 kernels of popcorn. Swirl it around a little to start.
  2. Keep an eye on the kernels. As soon as the 3rd one pops, remove the pan from heat (but leave the burner on). Add remaining kernels to the pan and swirl around. Wait 30 seconds, then…
  3. … Return to heat with the lid on. Keep an eye on the pan. As soon as the popping starts adjust the lid to be slightly ajar – enough to let the steam escape, but not enough that any popcorn escapes. (this is an important step to get the best texture… less of a “squeaky” consistency.)
  4. When popping starts to slow down pay attention. At about 5 seconds between pops, remove from heat, turn off stove, and pour into a bowl. If you’re fussy about the “old maids” (I am) then transfer it by hand to another bowl, which should leave most un-popped kernels behind.
  5. Test for saltiness and adjust as needed. On popcorn, super-fine salt works better than table salt.
  6. Good a day or two if covered or zip-locked.
Recipe Notes

Ideas for toppings: smoked paprika, nutritional yeast, cayenne powder, taco seasoning, curry powder, chili pepper, cumin, grated Parmesan cheese